Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hard at Work!

I am telling you, Santa was The. Man. this year! I guess I need to swallow my pride and say, "Joe was SO right". He is the one that insisted on getting Jackson a work bench instead of the kitchen I wanted to get him. Some of you may know that I purchased a kitchen when I couldn't find a great workbench, but we decided to sell that one and get the workbench after all. In my defense, it was a great kitchen, that I purchased at a GREAT price, but that isn't the point, is it? We Santa brought him a great workbench that has gotten hours of use so far, barely 6 days into the New Year. In fact, Jackson and Daddy already had to change the batteries in the drill. That is how much use it has gotten! It does make me happy to see him so excited about something. Thank goodness he didn't change his mind at the last minute and start asking for something else from Santa. I wonder if he will ask for the same thing next year? Better start prepping him now...

Lovin' the drill!

Everyone needs 2 hammers with in reach at all times!

and a saw!

Off to find more stuff to fix!


AuntieKat said...

Looks like you've got yourself quite the little builder. Maybe he will follow in Buba's footsteps! So cute!