Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pedal, Pedal, Pedal!

Grammy and Grampy gave Jackson a tricycle for his birthday in October. Yesterday was a beautiful day (a little cool actually!) so we were outside most of the afternoon. Jackson got a chance to practice his "bike riding" and pedaling on his own. I think if he was less distracted (by the buses, neighbors, rocks, etc) he would have been off like a shot. Oh and if he didn't have that bag of fruit snacks in his hand he would have done much better too. Every time we go for a bike ride we have to stop at the corner and pick up rocks and fill up the back of his bike. That boy can't walk past a rock without picking it up. And throwing it. Such a boy!


Amy Bailey said...

So funny that we both had posts today about the same tricycle.

AuntieKat said...

Wow. Tricycles are much more high tech than they were back in the "olden days" (when I had my red one with the plastic wheels). Jackson did a great job! Auntie Kat is so proud of him!