Monday, April 4, 2011

All Boy!!

Today we finally had a beautiful day that was nice and HOT and begging for us to play outside. We headed to the elementary school fields for some baseball with Jake and Skyler, then some fun on the school playground. Jackson was starting to fade and wanted to go home. I think he was a little warm, because once we got home he wanted to do some "yardwork". He dug in the dirt for about 45 minutes and was so proud to find an earthworm friend. After he finished his yardwork, we did some jumping on the trampoline until Daddy got home. Then it was off to the back deck for some sandbox fun. I am exhausted from all that. Oh and we also met a friend and her 3 kiddos for lunch at Chick-fil-a after a morning at the gym. If he isn't asleep before his head hits the pillow tonight I don't know what else will do it!


AuntieKat said...

I love that he calls playing in the dirt "yardwork" ha ha ha