Monday, November 3, 2008

A letter to a dear friend

Dear Daylight Savings Time,

It is over. I am sorry to break it to you this way, but I can no longer show my joy and love for you. I once thought "Hooray for an extra hour of sleep", when you came my way. However, now that I have a new someone in my life who does not seem to have the same affinity for you that I do, I must break it off. I can no longer survive on the amount of sleep that being awake at 4:30am provides. So until the new guy in my life gets "it" and sees things our way, it is over. Please do not come around my house anymore! Sniff, sniff. Give me back my dark mornings and light evenings!

Warmest regards,
Jen, the completely exhausted one with extremely large suitcases under her eyes


Laurie said...

Hilarious! You are quite creative this moring, despite the lack of sleep!

NotinKSAnymore said...

This too shall pass. My little ones didn't even notice this year. But I remember being in your shoes...
Very funny!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, Jen! 4:38 am is when Benjamin was ready to go for the day this morning! And once that boy is up, he is up for good! Fortunately, he doesn't require as much supervision as Jackson does these days. I can lie in the bed with one eye open while he plays in his toy room. Just don't let the Mother of the Year Board know I do that!

Me said...

I am SO with you - Patrick is waking up every morning at 4:45. Doesn't matter what time we put him down. It's KILLING me!!