Monday, July 6, 2009

Spatula lickin' good!

Everyone loves to lick the spoon right? Jackson got his first spoon (actually it was a spatula) lickin' experience a few days ago. Sure, he has had a few licks here and there before. But this time the bowl and spatula were all his! I made a key lime pie for our 4th of July cookout and he LOVED every bit of the bowl remnants. He was so funny. And messy! I am sure there will be many more years of spoon licking in his future!

We had some people over on Saturday for a 4th of July cookout. It was a hot day, but the kiddos had a blast in the water! And thanks to Michelle and Chuck for bringing Ladderball (among other things...). It was a HUGE hit with the kids! So funny to watch them carry the balls around and wrap them around the goals.

Don't they make a cute couple?

Better get back to work packing for our trip to the Cape. We will fill you all in on our trip when we return.


AuntieKat said...

mmm - key lime pie goodness on a spatula! I hope Jackson will share some of that w/his Auntie Kat. Yum! It sure looked good! See you in a couple days! Drive safe!