Saturday, December 26, 2009

Chatter Box!

Joe, Jackson, and Grampy set out the other afternoon in our backyard for some rocket launching fun. They had two semi-successful launches. As Jackson will tell you, the first attempt ended with a tangled parachute and a "thud" landing. The second attempt ended in a successful launch, parachute deployment, and landing, although Joe had to trudge (and slosh) through the fields out back to retrieve the rocket. Apparently Jackson was quite taken with the rocket launching because he has been talking non-stop about it every since. I has recounted those launches I don't know how many times. It is so funny to hear what he says happened. And it is interesting to see what sticks in his mind for the days following. Maybe we have a future astronaut (or aeronautical engineer!) on our hands. Here is a snippet of the story as told by our little man!


AuntieKat said...

Wow. That was quite a story! I am sorry I missed it in person! It sounds like the rocket launching was pretty exciting and fun. Glad Santa brought what the good little boy wished for!