Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Home Sweet Home!

Last night we made it back home again. And we are planning to stay put for awhile. The past month or more has been so crazy busy that we all are whooped. Who knew that moving and vacationing would wear you out so much??!!! We had a great time visiting Joe's family. We started out our trip by heading to Maine to see Nana and Buba (Joe's grandparents). The drive took alot longer than we had expected. The traffic on I-95 was horrible! But we made it safely and were able to spend 3 days visiting with Nana and Buba. Joe was able to tackle some projects around the house for them also. After a nice visit in Maine, we headed to North Conway, NH to spend a few days there with Danny, Ali, and Tanner. What a beautiful place! The boys had a great time at Storyland, desite the rainy afternoon. The hotel where we stayed had a waterpark that was a huge hit also! Jackson and Tanner were so proud of themselves for going down the waterslides all by themselves! On the last day we had a wonderful lunch and train ride on the Conway Scenic Railroad. Tanner ended up sleeping most of the time, and Jackson was very well behaved. It was a fun little mini-vacation! After that we headed to Massachusetts to see the rest of Joe's family-Mere-Mere, Auntie Kat, and Uncle Chris. Joe's mom had just moved into her new house so we helped her get some things unpacked and done around the new house. We are expert movers these days! We spent some time at the lake by her house also. We also spent a day at the beach on the Cape. It was a beautiful day.
Now we are back home trying to get back to life as normal. Or trying to find our new "normal". Today has been spent doing laundry and catching up on mail, mowing the lawn (which to Joe's delight only takes about 45 minutes!), cleaning the car, and trying to rest. Joe has one more day off before he has to start his new job at headquarters! I know he is looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time. I am sure we will still have time for lots of fun adventures in DC this summer!

Helping Daddy fix the sink!

Being silly with Buba

Hanging with Nana and Buba

Ready for Storyland!!



Tanner's Turn!

On our hike-
Joe, Dan, and their boys!

We made it to the top!!

Sure I can pick up this stick...see?


Climbing rocks again!

Beautiful views!

Me and my sweet boy!

Group shot!

Hmmm...Does he qualify as an "object"?

Waiting for the train to depart!

All Aboard!

Driving around in Tanner's truck!

Uh-Oh! Here comes trouble!!

Action shots of Tanner driving over Ali's plant! He kept doing it.
It was hysterical! The boys were laughing so hard!

Jackson's turn to "drive"!

So funny!

Priceless look on their faces!

Mere-Mere's new bathtub
Is he in there?

Enough room to stretch out and do some swimming!

Great faucet for a little sip of water!

At the airport by Mere-Mere's house.
Joe's dad used to take him there when he was little.

At the beach!

Burying his feet in the sand!
He would have done that all day!

Jackson and Mere-Mere

My Little Luke Skywalker!


Mama Lisa said...

Such great photos! Looks like a fun trip.

AuntieKat said...

Each one of these photos are fantastic! I want to know how to steal a few for my FB acct! :-)