Today was the first official day of preschool for Jackson. He was more than ready to be there! I was so proud of him marching right in to his class and hanging his backpack up in his cubbie. After taking care of his backpack, he picked out his name tag. Thankfully he was on a green apple since green is his favorite color these days. I hung around for a few more minutes and then decided to that he was going to be totally fine there without me. I was so happy, but sad at the same time. I bent down to tell him goodbye and he gave me the best hug and a kiss. I admit, I did start to cry. He is just growing up way too fast!! I am so proud of him. On the way home he was telling me about his day. I asked him what his favorite part of school was and he quickly answered, "Recess!!". And his second favorite part is snack time. Hope this isn't a sign of things to come... Oh, and he told Joe the exact same things when he got home from work. Silly Boy!!
Best Basic Old-Fashioned Pancakes
1 day ago
I got a tear just imagining it! I know it's so hard to let go, but it looks like he's happy as a clam! So fun for him, so hard for you! Oh, and I think recess and snack will be his favorite parts of school until they no longer offer them!
I am so glad that he looks extremely happy and is giving the biggest grin! I know it must be so hard, but you guys have done such a great job. It's so cute that his backpack is as big as he is! I think recess and snack would've been my faves too! Glad he's enjoying himself! xo love you guys!
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